Gas Well Performance & Deliquification

Trainer(s): Kees Veeken
Duration: 5 days

Business context

Gas wells are the most uncertain hence critical component of any gas production system. A successful gas project relies on a reliable forecast of gas well production and on timely implementation of measures that restore, sustain and improve gas well capacity, and maximize reserves. This course provides the skills to understand and analyze gas well performance, and to select and design those remedial measures. It addresses all four gas well components i.e. reservoir performance, inflow performance, outflow performance and surface performance, individually and combined.

In depletion-drive gas reservoirs, the gas well outflow performance is inevitably compromised as the reservoir pressure depletes and the gas rate becomes insufficient to lift water and condensate to surface. This condition is referred to as liquid loading and causes significant loss of well capacity and reserves. This course provides the means to recognize and predict liquid loading, introduces the deliquification techniques that mitigate liquid loading, and then teaches how to select, design, install and operate an indispensable suite of deliquification measures.

Who should attend

Production engineer, surveillance engineer, completion engineer, reservoir engineer, production programmer, production operator.

Course content

  1. Introduction (objectives, units, reservoir fluid properties).
  2. Inflow performance (Forchheimer, matching, inflow threats & opportunities).
  3. Outflow performance (single and multi-phase flow, matching, liquid loading instability, other outflow threats & opportunities).
  4. Wellhead & surface performance (operating envelope, matching, flowline & choke, surface pressure buildup, surface threats & opportunities).
  5. Reservoir performance (minimum pressure & ultimate recovery, recovery measures, deliquification strategy, connected volume).
  6. Production forecast & economics (material balance & exponential decline, liquid loading date prediction, profitability).
  7. Build scenarios (specify & model consecutive remedial measures, forecast & economics).
  8. Intermittent production (steady-state, transient, huff & puff, model uptime, automation).
  9. Depletion compression (model triple benefits, location, type, capacity, timing).
  10. Velocity string (model size, bottom & top completions, deployment).
  11. Foam-assisted lift (batch & continuous, chemical selection, model, deployment).
  12. Plunger lift (cycle, completion, model, plunger-less lift).
  13. Gas lift (intermittent or continuous, annular or concentric, model).
  14. Downhole pump (applications, types, model).

Learning, methods and tools

This course consists of a series of lectures and exercises. The lectures are interactive with field examples to illustrate models and concepts, where participants are encouraged to contribute their own relevant field examples. The exercises make use of a series of Excel worksheets for model calculations. Participants are invited to implement their own field specific well data. When arranged beforehand, PROSPER gas well performance software can be used as well.

This course addresses ways and means to monitor and manage gas well performance and deliquification. It covers the purpose, outcome and benefit of surveillance and capacity measures to assist future surveillance and capacity planning. Specifically, it addresses the selection and implementation of deliquification measures.

This course provides the skills and tools for periodic review of gas well performance in support of critical business processes.